Three Months, Wow. I should be sleeping but I'd just like to say that Michael Manalo is the best. His prom was fun but after it was epic. First we went to Mc donald's sat on the hood of his car eating our lives out and enjoying the nice weather. Then we went to his house and took pictures of our outfits with his "PRO" camera then we went to the beaches and the rest goes from there. Amazing night, every day and night is amazing with Michael. Yesterday I slept over and he watched me dye my hair and he crashed on Katherines couch it was so cute when it hit twelve well a little past twelve I came downstairs and sang stick with you to him cause I kept leaving him to dye my hair, and I said Happy Three Months ;) I thought he'd think I'd forget cause I kept ditching him! Today in the morning we ate at Markham Station then we headed to Niagara Falls and loafted at the Casino Place and watched the falls, we pigged out at Johnny Rockets I swear Michael is trying to make me chubbs while i'm trying to make him DEAZED ;) Aha, kidding ! Oh and as soon as we left the Gallaria /Casino place fireworks started coming on and we had a moment just watching fireworks like near the falls it was amazing. Bubbalub I love you thanks for making our three months the best. 
K, so i'm currently at my boyfriend's work and he's the cutest thing ever. :)
I hate everything about me, It's those moments when you look at yourself in your mirror and your likei'm not good enough I wish I was better, I wish I was prettier.Maybe if I scrunch my nose up a little, or make a sillier facei'd look better. But I don't, I'm not like those girls. I'll never belike those girls. I can count all my flaws and there would be a million. I'm at a breaking point today , I don't know why ... I hopethe rest of this day gets so much better. At the end of the day all I want to do is just smile ):
i'm sitting on acid.
bop to the top
My boyfriend is the cutest thing on the planet, cuter than munchkins , critters, humping turtles and lechon (: and he knows how much i love the piggy i won at wonderland playing ball. I love his dimples which he rarely shows cause he thinks their coin slots, but their the cutest coin slots i've ever seen. Haha, so cute.He's extra cute when he drives manual and I know when he's with me he tries so hard not to stall cause he's to distracted ;) I joke. He's not cute when he says import is better than muscle. One day Michael Manalo, when I get my dream Charger I will pwn your fucking skyline or whatever fucking import your going to get. + I really should be sleeping but I can't, period fucking sucksTampons fucking suck, Pad's fucking suck. Honestly why did God create periods?Their so fucking pointless shoot, I swear I have blood phobia. I honestly throw up when I see blood. K, am I getting into too much detail? I don't care when i'm on my menstrual cycle I eat too much, whine to much, don't drink water at all. Fuck I threw up like two times cause I saw blood. I tried curling up in a ball but it didn't work at all, fuck periods.UGH.
so it's kind of under construction :( thing's i'm looking forward to for summer: me & michael's three months baby's prom import modeling shoot w/ bestfriend neekz. shopping like everyday with patricia dt, with neekz and mini and others ATLEAST ONCE ♥
summer school my birthday, yes JULY 20 guys :) trip to adrenaline, the day I turn 16 ! peircing and a tattoo w/ baby <3
chilling with michelle, tamika, or katherine like everyday too :) get shitfaced with christine and nicole marcelo SLEEPOVERS with gelline! california maybe :( pet scorpian , turtle , or tarantula. getting a tan, not too tanned but even. warped tour, maybe.
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