possibly the last post in a long time : ) my boyfriends mom, haha ( as his grandpa says she's my NEW mother in law, cute) wants me to go with her to philippines and my mom said it's a definite maybe. getting my passport renewed with tita minnie on tuesday, fuck i miss my boyfriend already .. it was so hard to see him go, esp. at the airport where we both bawled our eyes out. well, there's always my bb that you gave me dear :) i can text you! aha , see you there <3
So much fun, spending time with my beloved boyfriend today. Even though we had our ups and downs, I swear we're inseparable. Which is really hard for me, since he's leaving soon. But yeah, skating for at least fifteen minutes was fun ..but i felt bad for not withstanding the cold weather : ( I actually cried, because I actually wanted to make his day worth while and I couldn't. It was incredibly cute because a guy proposed to this girl on the ice and made the security guards clear the whole ice rink, I wanted to tear up. I love the holidays! =) Then we went to my house to give our gifts, and I'm inlove with my new bb white bold from my boyfriend, kinda surprised though. And I gave him his RALPH LAUREN present, since I know him the best ; ) But yeah, I'm not done his present yet .. : ) Surprising him tommorow.
xoxo, ria.
i want to keep you warm in winters white. so yesterday, me and michael had a sleepover .. as always, we played initial d and got bubble tea then we went to his house and he cooked me a yummy " instant " dinner, aha .. we literally just woke up right now it's eight : fifteen such a fail, my fault .. but we were supposed to go skating today even more fail, sorry babes :( now we're planning what to do, and i'm eating the yummy mac and cheese he made me.
Hypocrite : a person to pretends to be what he's not - a person who professes beliefs and opinions that he or she does not hold in order to conceal his or her real feelings or motives.
Just so you know, that's what you are.. you talk as if you're a god, you talk as if everybody's your a bitch when they're fucking not. Who the fuck cares about your family struggles .. you're not a bum on the street where you don't have a roof on top of your head and clothes to wear, better yet a couple pairs of shitty Jordan's. Enough with the street credit. Everybody's hustlin' so it's really just old news. Nobody cares, if you had to struggle to get a dime or you had trouble cause of an " ak47" that's your fault, so stop blaming others for your own faults. You pull me into you're dramatic life, for what? To boost your already bruised ego, you're no better than the immature eighteen year old's that suck your dick or the ones that you roll with. You talk as if i'm heart broken about you, buddy i'm the one who broke your heart two years ago and la di fucking da , i'm doing SO FINE. I mean, if that's the only story you can rap about cause you're life ain't interesting .. good luck with being the next eminem because you'll only get far as d-pryde. Just saying, I mean if you're commenting on statuses trying to " back up" shit, that has nothing to do with you .. you totally have a life (Y) It's quite entertaining actually. You seem to talk about the past a whole fucking lot, because you can't live in reality. Stop dwelling, live life. If you have hate to put towards this status, i give you a big round of an applause. I'm just stating my opinion, as you state yours.
xoxo, you know you love me.
Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead.
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Don't you all hate that gut feeling? The gut feeling where you know something bad or something that will break you is happening as you speak? The gut feeling that you try to push away so far deep into your stomach, the one that you try to fumble with and reject but it just keeps coming back? Yeah, well that gut feeling is coming back into my life and I hate it. I know for a fact that it's not just me over thinking, how am I so sure? Because the last time I tried ignoring it it just smacked me right in the face and produced a heck load of tears. It's a woman's intuition I guess to sense a rainstorm, to feel neglected, curious and paranoid. Paranoia is one of my biggest annoyance, I hate being paranoid .. just hate it, it causes the knot in my stomach to become tighter .. I just wished I didn't have to worry bout' a damn thing.
temporary blog skin, hideous i know - but yeah, lifes been good reaaaaaaaaaaal effing good got my boyfriend his present today, hope he likes it ; )
ex's and oh's hoes.
daily rants not IMPLYING anybody, just saying :)
hates when people say there " money minded " , buy expensive shit and " flaunt" they're coach, beat ass jordans , colorful JAY'S FITTEDS, sweatervests, but still manage to look like they got first dibs to the clothes at the flea market.
hates when girls look ghetto and they think they're fly - colorful ass vans/keds , leather cyattie jacket, fake rocawear/coach shoulder strap bag, ghetto facial peircings, hoop earrings. hideoussssssssssss ... hollllllly. hates when girls push there boobs together in pictures, or takes pictures a certain angle so guys can get a glimpse of there non existent A cups.
hates when guys know that they're wrong, and still manage to put up with a pointless argument.
hates people who are eighteen and up, still in high school doing grade nine courses and pushing young ones to fight, because they want fake - street cred.
ria the insomniac
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twitter shmitter, tumblr bumbler. i'm really old fashioned, i think i'm going to stick with my facebooking and blogging. the time on my blogs are wrong, must fix that it's 7:07 am and i didn't have one wink of sleep yet .. maybe cause i slept the whole day at my boyfriend's house. i honestly need to get my old sleeping habits back, these sleeping habits are disgusting. i just finished a book and i want to burn it .. i read it, loved it. put it down, connected the dots and related it to my life, i have to stop doing that! anyhoo, i'm already thinking of making a trip to starbucks today and buying a greentea latte yum <3 i'm not hopping on the band wagon anytime soon but .. i was searching up sandara park a couple of months ago cos she was like famous in philippines for acting, but she's fucking korean - even more cool. so i searched her up on youtube, and it so happens shes in 2EN1 i was like wtf, no that's not her .. fucking fly kids, i'm telling you.
santa dearest
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santa dearest , if it's not a bother i would like : a new phone mine broke again .. another juicy bag or clutch michael kor's navy blue pumps hello heart ring by swarovski coastal scents 88 palette love, cookies, chocolate, food & more love .. <3
I'm A Ninja Assasin!
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i love yew, michael manalothanks for taking me to see ninja assassin, loved it. :)
awesome fucking movie, i highly recommend it. christmas shopping with my mother soon ~
filthy youth, check them out. i'm pretty much obsessed.
haha, yeah yeah no biggie ;) we're matching .
My boyfriend is awesome, fucking awesome - makes you want to piss your pants kinda awesome. We ate dinner at Ikea, yes Ikea .. I bought a cute lamp, for my side table but realized it didn't have a light bulb , fail. After wards we went to his cousins house so he can play MW2 with his cousin Daniel. Their pug Rocky is so cute - he makes me want an white English bulldog more :( after I was craving my green tea, i swear it's my crack so we went to our spot hat so happens to have a teashop 168 and i bought my baby mango milk black tea, cos that's one of his favorites ! Then after we played Initial D and he owned me cause i'm kind of rusty you know! After I had a mini - shopping spree at shoppers. good fucking day, i love you dear. Kind of short entry, but I got a huge one coming soon :) Oh how I love to rants. Nts: Go back to Ikea with boyfriend and mom to redesign room <3 P.S : Blue mountain with my girlfriends during Christmas Break, can't wait.
March 13th 2009.
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March 13th 2009, Friday the thirteenth some call it the day of unfortunate events. But that day was honestly one of the best days of my life. Let's retrace steps I was having the worst day ever. Waiting for my friends expecting them to flop on me, having a fight with my mother, having my dad yell at me on the phone, recovering from an unexpected heart break. Then you came along, I mean - I didn't know you yet, but I was bound to know you that day. I felt stupid singing/ humming "yo, excuse me miss" down the walk way at town center. I felt stupid even being at town center, but what can you do if you're best friends live in Markham and the closest they want to go is town center? Lol, because I didn't want to go down to Mark ville at all. And so we decided to go down to the movie theater to kill time and think of a master plan on what do that night, it's Friday the thirteenth I mean everybody is either watching Friday the thirteenth, or doing something creative. So we've been sitting there for like about an hour and a half, got hungry got burger king, then I saw a bunch of dudes. I mean, I don't get attracted to big groups easily and it so happened that I knew Daniel. You guys were break dancing, i think? Or doing something super attention - seeking, but I didn't catch you guys dancing - I mean, my best friends did but I was minding my own business eating. I just caught you guys all together, so I called you guys asking if you guys can dance .. cause I well missed it. I know you guys passed us numerous times, and I said hi to Daniel. Oh shit, I want to cry this day gives me butterflies.And you passed by, went to Yogen Fruz bought something and went to us. And so I introduced myself to you, I mean .. You caught my eye, you were different. When you looked into me I mean you pierced me with your eyes ( So corny ) But it kinda made me melt a little, I didn't know you yet - I knew of you .. but I had this attraction to you, not yet physical .. just an instinct almost. It kinda killed me a little, because the only reason why I knew you was because of you're girlfriend. Maria .. well i heard you previously but that was the latest update of you in my head. It stopped me from saying things I had to say. Turning my flirt down a knotch. Making my heart break just a tad, In my head I was like "hurt, heart break already? i barely know this guy" I said my name and you said yours. You guys were about to leave, but I didn't want you to. I wanted you to stay, stay the whole night with me. Just holding your hand, or at least be close to you. You asked what we were doing and I said nothing, you wanted to watch a movie and i said okay, but Michelle said OLD FINCH cause you said you had car keys. What would ever happen if you didn't have that Civic? Just kidding. But really, we headed to Old Finch. For some reason, I wanted to get close to you.I wanted to sit beside you, even if I knew Tamika didn't have any attraction to you. I felt a pang of jealousy that she was so CLOSE to you, getting to sit beside you .. shot gun. I just wanted to beas close as possible. I wanted you, I felt so stupid even thinking about you in the back seat. I jumped into your car, a strangers car and heading to an empty area with you , your friends and my best friends? what was going on with me.. i never usually do this. it's probably just an impulse movement.. but i can't say anything, it was too soon to judge. So I let the night just happen .. So the whole way to Old Finch, the whole ride there - I felt so nervous, trying to be myself but obviously I wasn't myself. I wanted to stab myself in the eye knowing that I was feeling this way, when I just met you. I felt so vulnerable .. :| I was trying to convince myself not to fall for you, because my mentality that whole week that all guys are the same. So we went out of the car, and you were so damn close .. I was literally melting where I was standing even though it was freezing outside, but why the fuck was I melting? Probably cause all of the layers I had on, or I was probably just sick .. right? I had a damn skirt on for Gods sakes. But yeah, we decided to go inside the wood's to scare ourselves .. Who knows why? Lol, but it gave me the advantage of getting close to you. I don't really get scared easily, lol but I kinda sorta faked being scared so I can get closer to you ..But clearly that plan didn't work at first because it WAS your friends that were trying to get closer to me. But , you surprised me .. like you always do now. You stayed closed to me and you even held my hand, when I was "scared". It was super funny, when we hid behind the tree hoping to scare the rest of the group. But you held me and in an instant I felt so warm, felt as if somebody actually cared for me. I hated myself for jumping into conclusions, But the thoughts in my head were " This night isn't going to last forever, I'm probably one of the other million girls that jump into his car and enjoy a night like this" That's why I didn't want to keep my hopes up entirely if I was on of those girls. Like really, how am I different from any other girl? If he's going to flirt with me when he has a girl, won't he do that to me? I swear I'm not any different .. I constantly said enough with the thoughts, I just wanted to spend time with you and get to know you .. maybe you're something special. I erased the thought that you had a girlfriend, I tried .. I pushed it into the back of my mind as far as possible. Cause I wanted to be yours, even if you were a complete stranger. It was so funny because we tried scaring them all in the car, and it was only me and you outside just " flirting " haha, you kept holding me and pulling me closer to you and i was blushing, i didn't want to fall into your trap haha! i hate blushing, it makes my face all weird, and makes me ridiculously dizzy. You do that, you know that? You did that , that night! So I remember we all went inside the car, and you were all over me HAHA do you remember that? HUH? I don't know what possessed me or you to be all over each other! But it felt nice, I got the tingly feeling i never got before .. I wanted it to stop, but I wanted it to keep going .. I wanted YOU. I kept resisting and saying " how about your girl? " every time you went close but quite frankly i didn't care .. i was falling so fast, so fast .. incredibly fast, like an avalanche .. never FELL so hard and I knew at that instant that I wasn't going to forget about you, that i needed to see you after this night .. I didn't want moments when you were touching me, holding me to end. I don't remember but I didn't want to leave yet, nobody did .. I don't know who thought of the idea to go to your house, but we ended up at your house. I had so many assumptions, and most of them were right ..But it's okay. The part that left a big imprint on my mind was the fact that you touched me, the fact that you kissed me like nobody has ever made me feel the way before .. I mean, I felt like a slut for letting it happen. I was supposed to feel bad, but I didn't .. It didn't come in between what happened to us, but I was so sure that you felt bad yourself cause you were with this girl for so long and just met me, a stranger, the new girl. I felt the need to push your hand away, or push your lips away from mine but I didn't, it wasn't a lust movement it was more affectionate. It was just .. right. I ended up sleeping over with my girls, and your boys were there .. it was funny, how i farted on you! by accident, because i couldn't hold it in, you know and I tried playing it off like i didn
I'm currently at my boyfriend's house and he's snoring, because we've watched countless episodes of Gossip Girl. While he's sleeping, I'm watching countless episodes of Korean Drama's and Makeup tutorials. My sleeping patterns have been horrible lately ever since I've returned to residing at my mothers. I've been easily distracted and those lead to brain farts and ideas - ugh, and that leads to me organizing, coordinating pens, nail polish, books even clothes in my room... At least my room is alot cleaner than it usually is. Kudos to that! That reminds me I need new wallpaper for my room, my magnetic board that's supposed to stick on my wall damaged the paint (tear) but that gives me a good excuse to ask my mother to redesign my tiny room! Well, I'm going to finish my Korean show and sleep now.. It's so late, ugh early.
♥love you till the night falls ^_^
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"So apparently .. ?" So apparently what ? You guys are honestly going to pop a blood vessel by stressing or trying to pick which character you play in my blog. I didn't state any names regarding my so called ' controversial ' post or simply typing out initials on my keyboard with my little fingers. Cause the characters that you guys thought you were in my blog, weren't about you at all so i don't get why you guys are molesting my cellular device with flabbergasting messages i mean ouch, perhaps I should go to Shoppers and pick up a couple of band aids while I'm at it. Thanks, but no thanks my bestfriends. What is your argument here, what are you really trying to prove? I mean they're IS always drama class if you're trying to seek attention. You'd win an Oscar for updating your statuses about your non - existent exciting lifestyle. But I mean that's great that you're heart broken and you're friends are heart broken that you're heart broken but I'm telling you again if you didn't get it the first time, I don't care.
Love you till the city lights xxx.
my eye's dont recognise you anymore, for reasons unknown.
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My boyfriend did the cutest thing for me at night school, cute in a twisted way at least. But all in all awesome day , 2012 was alright but I 'm still not convinced that the world is going to end. But as always me and Manalo were probably the loudest couple there, screaming at the screen haha. Me and Aaron Torres had the most hilarious phone conversation for 47 Minutes. Aaron: " She's calling you a hoe? The slut slept with my boys and Fuck the next followers. What are they like, grade ten? Wait yeah, they are LOL" Fucking jokes, you and K are destined for eachother. I got you homes, I know for a fact that's going to work out. - "A hoe can't be a house wife" I totally agree with you, that's why you're left with a bunch of tears and heart broken every five minutes right? Don't worry, don't worry - I totally understand. That's cute though, I mean who would really want to be a house wife anyways? And as for the " followers" as Aaron, calls them. There's twitter now, if you've heard of it. You can follow as many people as you'd like. I don't know what mask you're trying to hide behind but a whole bunch of us know the mask that you fit behind is pity and the infamous dick rider one. Darling, karma didn't hit me. It clearly hit you, when you slept around and fucked with his mind when you were with him in the summer. Don't drag me into your drama , just cause my two best friends that I've known WAY longer than you like each other k? Cool. (Y) xoxo.
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